If I Were To Travel

Hello wonderful people of the internet ! Welcome again to another journal entry here on The Yshie Files ! So for today’s journal entry, I’ll be doing If I Were To Travel. Let’s get this thing started ! If I were to travel I think I would go to Japan. I’m not really into anime but I’ve always wanted to go there because I want to experience the Japanese culture. Plus, that place is like so aesthetic for pictures hehe. I know, I just told you that I’m not really into anime but I’ve watched this film called: Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name in English) and that movie is so good and everything about it is just wonderfully made. And as far as I know, some of the locations in the film actually exist in real life. For example, the stairs where Taki and Mitsuha finally saw each other again <3. And there’s a Universal Studios there in Osaka I think ? That’s why I want to go to Japan.

The Lady or The Tiger by: Frank R. Stockson


In The Lady or the Tiger ? By: Frank R. Stockson, a barbaric king devises a particularly inventive form of punishment. When a courtier dares to love the king’s daughter, he’s forced to choose between two doors: one with a lady behind it, and one with a tiger. His ultimate fate is unknown. Criminals and prisoners who have offended the king are taken before two doors and then forced to make a choice. If he chooses correctly, he’ll marry the lady behind one of these doors. If not, he’ll be mauled by a hungry tiger. A courtier of low station falls in love with the Princess and attempts to woo her. This act offends the king, who punishes the courtier. The Princess endeavors to discover which door has the lady behind it. Though she doesn’t want the courtier to marry, she doesn’t want him to die, either. At the fateful moment, she signals him to choose the right door. The story ends without the reader knowing if it was the right decision.


This story is great. I like the ending because it makes the readers to wonder what actually happened. Like what’s really behind that door. For me, it’s better if the lady’s behind the door and not the tiger. Because it’s better for the man to get married to the lady than to get eaten alive by the tiger. But really, what’s behind the door ? Was it the lady ? Or the tiger ? If the author is still alive, I hope that he’ll answer the question if it was the lady or the tiger ? But if he’s not alive anymore I hope that he answered the question and told the readers what was really behind the door that the man picked. I rate this story a 10/10.

If I Could Turn Back Time

Hello wonderful people of the internet ! It’s is I, your girl Yshie and for today’s journal entry we’ll be doing “If I Could Turn Back Time”. So let’s get this thing started ! If I could turn back time I think I’ll go back to the time when I was still in Grade 6 at NIYES. Because my grade 6 year was absolutely the best school year I’ve ever had. And at that time, I was so close to literally everyone because I wasn’t shy and introverted. And my classmates at that year were the people I’m really comfortable with. I’m not saying that I’m comfortable with the classmates I have this year and the year before which is in 7th grade but the people I’ve spent my 6th grade year are the closest ones I’ve had. I know, I know. I’m probably just saying this because I am really really shy and introverted in my 8th grade year. But in my 7th and 6th year, I wasn’t shy at all. Actually the reason why I want to go back to my grade 6 year because I miss my old classmates a lot hehe. I don’t want to change anything in my past. I just want to relive the moments.

The Lottery by: Shirley Jackson


On a warm day, June 27 in an unknown village, villagers gather in a square to join the lottery. The lottery is ran by Mr. Summers. The children arrive first and begin collecting stones until their parents call them to order. Mrs. Hutchinson arrived late and chats briefly with Mrs. Delacroix. “It’s just another day in an idyllic town,” Mrs. Hutchinson said. Mr. Summers calls each head of the household forward to a black wooden box, where each selects a piece of paper. Once they have chosen their paper, Mr. Summers allow everyone to open the paper and see who’s lucky. The lucky person who was selected is Bill Hutchinson. His wife immediately starts protesting. There are five people in the Hutchinson family. Mr. Summers places five slips of paper in the box and each of the family member draws. Tess (Mrs. Hutchinson) draws a slip of paper with a black dot in the center. The villagers advance on her, and it becomes clear that the real price for the lottery is…..stoning. Tess protests in vain as the villagers attack her.


This story isn’t that exciting to me. It wasn’t bad but it isn’t really that good to me either. I couldn’t really percieve what the story was really about when I first read it. But to be honest, this story has a good plot twist. When it showed that the black dot on Mrs. Hutchinson’s paper means that people would throw stoens at her, that was the only exciting part in the story for me. It lacked suspense for me. And it didn’t exceed my expectations on how the story would go. That part with the black dot was okay. But I couldn’t understand why Mrs. Hutchinson reacted when her husband was lucky to be selected. Anyway, despite my reaction to the story I’d still give The Lottery by: Shirley Jackson a 7/10.


If I Were A Boy

Hello wonderful people on the internet ! Welcome to another journal entry here on The Yshie Files, our journal entry for today is entitled “If I Were A Boy” so let’s get this thing started. I don’t see myself what I’ll be as a boy really. Because proud of being a girl. But if i were a boy I think I’ll still be into music and wants to be a musician one day. I think if I were a boy, I think I’ll be playing basketball. I don’t know because if your a boy one of the stereotypes of being a boy is you play basketball. So I assume my boy self would be playing it. And if I were a boy, I’ll probably play Mobile Legends and Rules of Survival. Same thing, it’s like a stereotype of being a boy these days. Anyway that’s all I have to say. Like what I said, I don’t really know and care what my boy self would be because I’m proud of being a girl and straight. And I’m okay with it.

The Gift of the Magi by: O’ Henry


The story tells of a young couple, Jim and Della Dillingham. The couple has very little money and they live in a small apartment. Between them, they have only two possesions that they consider their treasures:  Jim’s pocket watch and Della’s long hair. It was Christmas Eve, after Della paid all the bills, there was only a dollar and eighty-seven cents left for Della. That’s why she can’t afford to buy a present for Jim. But she was desperate to find a present for him that’s why she went out and searched in every shop to buy something she could afford for Jim. She wants to buy him a chain for Jim’s pocket watch. So she decided to cut her hair and sell it. She recieved 20 dollars from it. Now Della, finally bought a chain for Jim. Jim noticed something new about Della. Before Della could give her present to Jim, Jim casually pulls a package out of his coat. The present was a comb but it’s now completely useless because Della trimmed off completely her hair. Della pulled out her present for Jim too but her present was also useless. Because it turns out that Jim sold his pocket watch so he could buy Della the comb.


This story is great. It happened in Christmas, so the lesson that suits the story is “It’s better to give than to recieve”. For me it’s also about being thoughtful. Because Jim thought of Della and Della thought of Jim. Just so they could buy each other’s presents. It reminded me of the Disney movie entitled, Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas. There was a scene there that I think is loosely based on The Gift Of The Magi. It’s when Mickey and Minnie exchanged presents but the presents they recieved was useless. Because they had to sell their sentimental thing so that they could buy each other’s presents. Like in The Gift of The Magi.


This one of the greatest Christmas-themed stories I’ve read so far. I know, it’s still July but even if it’s not Christmas, you must always be thoughtful. O’ Henry did another great job writing a story. I said “another” because I’ve already done a literary review on his other story (The Last Leaf). He did a great job in teaching the readers to be selfless or to be thoughtful. Which is the theme of the story and that is being selfless. Kind of like The Last Leaf’s theme too. The ending’s a bit sad because they both recieved useless presents but it’s also happy because of the effort they both did to buy their presents. I give this story a 10/10.

If I Were To Have Superpowers

Hello again folks ! Welcome to another journal entry here on The Yshie Files ! So for today’s journal entry, I’ll be doing “If I Were To Have Superpowers”. Let’s get this thing started ! If I were to have superpowers, I think the first superpower that I want to have is reading minds. So I’ll know if the person I’m talking to is lying or not. The next superpower I want to have is teleportation. Because I it would be cool to teleport to my idols’ concerts without buying a ticket hehe. The third power I want to have is invisibility. And the last power I’d like to have is super speed, but I think this power is completely unnecessary because I also want teleportation lol. Well those are the powers I’d like to have !

The Tell Tale Heart by: Edgar Allan Poe


The nameless guy in the story explains that he is and was extremely nervous, but is not and was not insane. Rather the narrator has a “disease” which makes all his senses, especially his hearing, very sensitive. To prove that he isn’t insane, he said that he loves the old man that is his neighbor. And said that he had nothing against the old man. Except his pale blue eye with a film on it. The nameless person had a plot to kill the old man to be free of it. When the old man was still alive, he stalked him every midnight, watching the old man sleeping (creepy !). But on the eight night of stalking the old man, he finally decided to kill him. Then police officers came to the old man’s house to see what just happened, but the nameless person convinced the police officers that everything was okay. But he felt guilty so eventually, he admitted that he killed the old man.


First of all let me say one thing…that guy’s a creep ! He stalks the old man at night and not just night, midnight ! I think he has schizophrenia because it looks like everything bugs him. He’s a madman but he won’t admit it. So far, I think the lesson in the story is, you should never lie if you did something really really terrible. Or else, you’ll feel guilty about it. Plus, even if you lie and looks like nobody notices it, there’s only one who saw your actions and it’s God. I wonder why the nameless person hates the old man’s eye so much. It’s just an eye plus, why does it bother him that there’s a film on it ? Maybe the old man has a trouble of seeing things well because of his age. Oh well, he is a madman.


This story’s actually good but not really bad. It was only okay for me. At first this story’s really hard to understand for me because you won’t know who’s point of view it was referring to. But once you start to get the whole thing, you’ll understand it. Edgar Allan Poe’s a great author and he’s known for his works. He focuses more on thriller or spooky type of stories and I guess The Tell Tale Heart’s one of them. He reminded me of a modern author named Stephen King, he’s also really famous for his works like IT. I think Edgar was trying to give us a clue of what disease the man was having. And that is schizophrenia. I rate this story a 8/10.

If I Were To Win The Lottery

Hello again people of the internet ! So today we’ll be doing a journal entry called “If I Were To Win The Lottery”, let’s get this thing started ! The first thing I would do is buy a new home and buy a car for my family. Second, some of my money would be used for my college fees in the future (because you really gotta save up for that). Third, I’d buy myself some instruments like a grand piano, bass guitar, acoustic guitar and electric guitar because I love to play the piano and I really want to learn to play those types of guitars. Fourth, I’d take my family to a trip to Disneyland and USA because I want to experience a trip to a different country. Fifth, I’d spend it off for my grandmother because her eyesight isn’t really that in a clear because of a tiny cataract on her eye. Sixth, if IV of Spades finally released their album and if ever they have a concert or gig here, I would instantly buy their album or go to their concert or gig. Seventh, I’ve always wanted to have a Golden Retriever and a Siberian Husky as a pet. Because those are my two favorite dog breeds. Well there you have it folks ! Those are the stuff I would do if I won the lottery.

God Sees The Truth But Waits By: Leo Tolstoy


Once there was a young merchant named Ivan Dmitri Aksionov. He lived with his family in the land of Vladimir. One summer, he planned to go to Nizhny fair but his wife warned him that she had a bad dream about Ivan. Ivan laughed as if he did not care and went on with the fair. He traveled half-way and met a merchant, whom he spent a night drinking tea. The next day, soldiers came up to Ivan and asked him what he did the night before because it turns out the merchant he’s with that night is already dead. Ivan told the soldiers that he’s innocent but there was a knife found in his bag. So, he got arrested. Ivan spent 26 years in prison. There he learned to earn a little money (in the right way). One day, a new batch of prisoners came. One of the new prisoners is named Makar Semyonich. Ivan was already really old when Makar came. Ivan already had a beard as white as snow at that time. At night, Makar came up to Ivan and said he was sorry. Ivan said “what for?” and Makar confessed to him that he was the real killer and he placed the knife in Ivan’s bag. In the end, Makar confessed to the police men that he was the real killer. That means Ivan is finally free but unfortunately when it was time to release Ivan, he was already dead because of his age.


I like this story. It teaches us to forgive people no matter how big or small the sin that was done to us. In my opinion, the line from a song that goes well with this story is “Oh, you never really love someone until you learn to forgive.” from Leaves by: Ben&Ben. I like how Ivan didn’t became furious of knowing that Makar framed him. He was just cool about it and it’s didn’t look like a big deal to him. It also taught us that even if in the eyes of the other people it looked like you’re wrong, there’s still God who sees the truth of it all. Ivan reminded me of Jean Valjean from the musical: Les Miserables. Both are accused of doing something wrong. And both proved the people that they weren’t wrong by doing good. Ivan also acted like that every wise old man from movies to be honest.


Leo Tolstoy did a good job writing this story. He is one of the most famous authors for his works like War and Peace. Leo did a good job to captivate the readers to keep on reading this story. Because the story is really great. He did a great job to teach us the value of forgiving in the story. There isn’t any errors in the story. Like plot holes, because the story is really detailed. Leo did a great job of telling the readers that no matter how big or small your sin is, God will still forgive you. And God is the only one that could really see if you’ve done something right or wrong. I give this story a 10/10.