Between Beauty and Brain…

Between beauty and brain I would choose….This is a tough decision because if I chose beauty over brain then I’ll probably be like Patrick from Spongebob because Patrick doesn’t have a brain. And if I chose  brain then I think I’ll be called as “sipsip” because I’m smart. So basically I would choose both. But it’s more of a 97% brains and 3% beauty. Because I don’t really care what a person looks like as long as he/she is kind. Don’t judge the book by it’s cover people ! And I believe that God made each and everyone of us beautiful. Probably not in the looks but through the act of kindness. Now that’s beautiful ! To the people who think they’re too fat, they’re ugly, they’re not skinny enough, they don’t have a nice complexion, you don’t have to change anything ! You’re beautiful and you should know that !

Also, this may sound cliché but I’ll say it anyway. What is beauty if the brain is empty ? (I know, most lowkey pageant contestants always say this haha) meaning to say is that, what are you gonna do with your looks if you don’t even have the brains. You know who you’ll be like…MOCHA USON HAHA. You don’t want to end up like her right ? So yeah, basically right now that I am revising my journal entry I 100% go to brains. There’s this so called: crab mentality here in the Philippines and it’s really toxic ! Like if you’re famous, even if you’re not doing anything, people would say stuff that aren’t nice about you. Happens in schools too. You know if you get a high grade or you’re top in class, some of your classmates would get jealous and say bad things about you just because you got high grades and you’re top in class. Luckily in our classroom, no one’s like that. We’re basically cheering for who’s on top and who isn’t. Because you know, at least to those who aren’t on top, they tried right ?

If I Were To Become A Celebrity, I Would Choose To Be…

If I were to become a celebrity, I would choose to be singer like Moira dela Torre or Reese Lansangan. Music is really my passion, I love to perform in front of people but only if I’m comfortable with the people around me. Because to be honest, I’m shy. That’s why if I’m not comfortable with the people around me then I’ll probably have a shaky voice while singing. I want to be a musician but I don’t want to join The Voice or Tawag ng Tanghalan because I believe that you don’t have to join those if you’re good in singing. Come on it’s 2018 ! You can just use Youtube and that’s what Moira and Reese did. The reason why I’d love to be a singer is because of my influences. First of all, my family. My mother’s side is really into music. My grandfather sings and plays the harmonica, my grandmother sings, my late uncle who passed away is the reason why I play the piano. Because he always plays it. Most of my cousins are guitarists as well as my uncles. My Tito Pong plays the ukelele. And my grandfather has always been encouraging me to join Tawag ng Tanghalan but again, I’m shy so probably on the right time haha. Second music influence are my idols. IV of Spades, who proved that old songs aren’t cheesy but a classic that’s why it’s okay to sing old songs. Ben&Ben who proved that violin and a piano can be part of a band. Moira dela Torre and Reese Lansangan who proved that you don’t need to reach all the high notes to prove that you’re great in singing.

Dear Mama and Papa

Dear Mama and Papa, I thank God to have great parents like you ! Thank you for being my number 1 fan to all the achievements I have in life. Although you both weren’t there on the times that I have activities on school to watch, it’s fine for me because I know you both are busy. Thank you for the times you both are so proud no matter how big or small the achievement I’ve got. Thank you for supporting me on my fangirl life, for understanding how much I go crazy for IV of Spades hahahaha. You both may be strict sometimes, but I understand that you’re just trying to protect me. Because I’m you’re only child. But please, trust me that I’ll be okay because I’m already a teenager okay ? Thank you for being open to the style of music that I like. I appreciate that you both start to sing along whenever I play Hey Barbara or Where Have You Been My Disco on tv. Especially mama hahahaha. I’m not a showy daughter, I don’t say I love you that much but you both know that I love you both and words can’t express how I love you guys ! ❤


Dear Friend

To the first five friends I’ve had ever since elementary, Fate, Marga, Fati and Tricia. You guys are all so special to me because if it weren’t for you guys I won’t be afraid to step out of being really really shy ever since we formed a band that is formerly known as Pink Black but we changed it to Joules hehe. I hope that our band would become famous soon. To Fate, thank you for your corny jokes because even if they’re corny, they still make me laugh haha(be thankful that I still laugh at your jokes no matter how corny they are hahaha). To Marga, I’m really glad to have a friend who loves IV of Spades and who loves Blaster Silonga as I am haha. To Fati, I’m really thankful to have a friend who’s really really nice and kind. To Tricia, I’m glad to have a friend who’s super kulit and has a bubbly personality and by the way, thank you for giving me a shout out on your last vlog, I hope your youtube channel would grow soon 🙂 . I love you guys ! ❤


Ps: that’s a throwback because we still don’t have a new pic this year hehe.

To Bj and Ynez, I’m really happy that you guys are my friends because everytime we talk to each other, there’s Ynez that would talk about stuff and there’s Bj who’s always teasing Ynez hahahaha. To Ynez, hey Rachel Green ! I miss you as my classmate because this year you’re in mendel and I’m on Euclid 😦 but anyway, I’m really happy that we became super close even if we just met last year haha. Thanks to maam pamittan for assigning me to be your seatmate last year that’s why we became friends haha. I love you even if you’re crushing my dreams of Unique returning to IV of Spades hahahaha. To Bj, thank you for being such a good listener whether it’s about my fangirl life or about my dramas when I wasn’t able to go to a IV of Spades or Ben&Ben gig haha. I wish that you and Ynez would be my classmates next year. Love you both ! ❤

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FB_IMG_1536845877494.jpg Ps: I still don’t have a pic with Bj so yeah I just placed a pic of her here hehe.

To Isabel, hey Isabel or mama p but I never call you mama p like the others because you’re still a teenage girl and not a middle aged woman hahaha. I’m really happy that you became close even if we just became classmates this year. I’m also happy that I have a friend who I could talk to about Michelle Dy or Lloyd Cafe Cadena, who are my two favorite youtubers of all time. Gusto mo yon ? Gusto ko yon ! Haha. I’m also happy that I have a friend who listens to old songs like me hehe. I wish that we’ll still be classmates next year ! Love you !

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Same thing with Bj, I still don’t have a pic with Isabel so yeah haha.

These are the only closest friends I have, they’re not that many but I’m glad that I have these people in my life.

Dear Future Husband

First of all, I’m not really sure what to write in this journal entry because I find it awkward to talk about this topic and I wish, Mrs. Musni won’t choose this journal entry haha. I read about love, I watch romcoms but to talk about love ? No, not my thing. Why ? Well I find it cheesy to talk about it. But I’ll do it anyways for the sake of having good grades, just kidding haha. Dear future husband, whoever you are well, hello ! I’m this girl who’ll stay with you for all eternity haha. See, do you get my point ? It’s really cheesy for me to talk about it. But yeah anyway, dear future husband whoever you are don’t worry because destiny will do it’s thing for us to meet on the right time. Whoever you are I wish you’re a musician and you’re a guitarist. Whatever, I’ll spill the tea, the musician or guitarist that I’m referring to as my “future husband” is Blaster Silonga from IV of Spades hahaha. Most girls these days think Peter Kavinsky as their ideal future husband. Well not this girl ! I find Blaster pogi okay ! Well he really is but some people doesn’t find him pogi hehe. Anyway umm I guess that’s all I have to say because like what I said, I DO NOT want to talk about this topic haha. But I wish on the next quarter, we’ll have a journal entry of our favorite singer or band haha because I’m 100% sure I’ll say a lot of things about it hehe.


Dear Future Self

Dear Future Self, if you ever see this 5 years from now, don’t you ever stop in reaching your dream. Study hard but take a rest because you’re not a machine. Be tough to face the challenges in life. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Try to make more friends. If you’re reading this, you’re probably doing your thesis in college now. Dear Future Self, I just wanna say a few things by your 13 year old self. First, your 13 year old self is pretty shy but she does have friends. Friends that aren’t many but friends that are all very close and trustworthy. Your 13 year old self wants to be a doctor but I don’t think you’ll be a doctor because this 13 year old self dreams of becoming a musician. Your 13 year old self is an avid fan of a Filipino and some international bands. Like IV of Spades, Ben&Ben, Eraserheads, Hale, December Avenue, Autotelic and Paramore. Dear Future Self, I hope you’re finally studying in your dream school. And that is University of Santo Tomas. Just so you know, you’ve always wanted to be a Tomasino since you were 11 years old. And the fact that you know some of your favorite youtubers used to study there like Pamela Swing, Ella Gatchalian and Shanne Dandan. Dear future self, I hope that you’ve finally helped your parents financially and gave them a house that you’ve promised for them. Dear future self, I hope that you can finally go to your idols’ concerts with your own money. Dear future self, I hope you’ll meet your idols’. Dear future self, if you’re reading this 5 or 10 years from now, thank you. Thank you for finally reaching your goals in life. Sincerely, your 13 year old self.

The Little Match Girl by: Hans Christian Andersen


“The Little Match Girl” is a sad story about a miserable young girl that touched the heart of many readers. The story begins on a cold winter night in which the snow never stopped. It was a real, rough and cold dinner. This small poor girl is trying to sell matches because she was ordered to do so by a strict father. He didn’t allow her to come home until it would not be done, otherwise she would get a beating. She tried to sell matches, but because of the cold, she died on the frozen sidewalk. She tried to warm up with the matches which she held in her hand. When she lit each one of them, it pointed to those events that she always dreamed of. The most common was a dream of delicious food and warm clothing, but every time matches were extinguished, the magic would disappear. When she lit the last match, she saw her dead grandmother she loved very much and she eventually took her to heaven.


I know Hans Christian Andersen more on stories like The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen. (Disney’s Frozen inspiration). And those stories both have happy endings. We all know Ariel ended up with Eric and Elsa conquered her ice powers but The Little Match Girl is the opposite. I think it depicted Child Labor because the girl was forced to sell matchsticks out on the cold night. I rate this story a 10/10.

From A Millenial to the Millenials

Hello again folks! So um this journal entry is the last journal entry that I’ll be doing for the first quarter ! So if you’re a reader here who sticked around ’til the end of the first quarter thank you so much for reading ’til the end, but if you’re just new, hi. Haha okay let’s get this thing started! From a millenial to the millenials. This is a bit tricky for me because first of all, I’m not a millenial. I’m not born from the 90s. But here’s what I have to say to all the millenials out there, specifically the Pinoy millenials. First of all, the thing that I noticed in OPM is songs from the old Pinoy rock bands like Eraserheads, Rivermaya, Hale, and Parokya ni Edgar, their songs are becoming famous again.  Especially Eraserheads because that band’s a legend. To be honest I’m turning into a fan of E-Heads hehe. Next thing that I’ve noticed in fashion: jumpsuits, shirts with stripes, shades with funky colors are trending again nowadays because of you millenials. Third, pop culture. Friends, a 90s favorite sitcom is famous again now that it’s on Netflix. So yeah um to all the millenials out there, stay open to new things and keep influencing this era hehe. Sincerely, a Gen Z teen.

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I have here a picture of Marvin and Jolina because you know, 90s haha.

If I Were To Have Three Wishes

Hello again wonderful people of the internet ! For today’s journal entry I’ll be doing: If I Were To Have Three Wishes. So let’s get this thing started ! For my first wish, I will wish that I’ll attend every concert or gig of IV of Spades and Unique Salonga. Because I’m a huge fan of IV of Spades. And when they have a gig I always can’t go because it’s either their gig is far from Makati or if they have a gig here in Makati, I can’t go because it’s the wrong timing. Why the wrong timing ? Because it’s either a school day or it’s raining really really hard or I’m on our province. By the way, I still consider it a one wish because even if Unique left the band, it still feels like he’s still part of it <3. My second wish is for a good camera and a tripod because I want to be a youtuber soon. And I still consider the camera and tripod as one wish because both are filming equipment hehe. And finally for my third and final wish I wish for….3 more wishes ! Just kidding hahahaha, I wish that I’ll meet my idols and be close with them. Because who wouldn’t wanna be close with their favorite celebrities or singers or youtubers right ? Well there you have it folks ! Those are my three wishes.

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May Day Eve by: Nick Joaquin


In the late 1840’s, when it was already May Eve they said that the dancing should stop at 10 o’clock in the evening. Until the celebration was over, the guests started to decamp but the girls just went to their bedroom while the boys just continued what they are doing and finished their drink.

Then there was this woman named Anastasia, who used to tell stories about witches and that made all the girls afraid. Anastasia instructed Agueda how to do the ritual involving the mirror. As Agueda knew what she will do, she went to the mirror in their sala and said “Mirror, Mirror, show to me him whose woman I will be.” Unfortunately, she saw a devil. And it was a guy named Don Badoy, he was in loved with Agueda.

Recently, it was their marriage; until they had a daughter. Agueda told the story to her daughter and she warned her to never admire herself in the mirror or else she will see something frightening. After that, Agueda started comparing the devil to Don Badoy then her stories continued.

Don Badoy, has his grandson named Voltaire. Don Badoy caught his grandson doing the ritual in the mirror. He also started telling his stories about him doing the ritual and said that he saw a witch. Likely, he also warned this grandson to never do that again because he might see a witch. His stories continued as he compared the witch to Agueda.


This story’s pretty good. And guess what, the author of this story is a Filipino ! Nick Joaquin made the story complicated. So you really have to analyze the story well, or read between the lines as they say.  I think this story happened during the Spaniards’ era. I don’t think that the ritual in the story really meant that the mirror will show your “perfect match” I think it just connects you to that perfect match.