
Ballad Of A Mother’s Heart

There was a man who loves a lady. One day this lady told the man that if he really does love her then he must bring to her his mother’s heart. The man accepted the girl’s challenge. Then he got a dagger, went to his mother and stabbed his mother’s chest. Then the man took his mother’s heart for the lady. While the man was running, it was raining hard and his feet slept on the ground. He held the heart and thought of his mother who was sweet and kind. Then he heard a voice not from his lips but it came from his mother’s heart.

To be honest, I’m actually familliar with the story already that’s why I didn’t read it. It’s similar with the story we read back in Grade 4 I forgot the title but it’s really similar with it. There’s this one difference though and that is on the story we read at Grade 4, the man was cursed and he turned into a lizard. I pity the mother because her son killed her without hesitation or shedding a tear.


My Father Goes To Court by: Carlos Bulosan



There lived a family who is living a simple life. Their neighbor is rich and eat good food. But even if their neighbor is rich, the children of their neighbor is pale and looks sick. While the narrator’s family is healthy and their home is always filled with laughter. Their so jolly that when some of their other neighbors drops by their home, they laugh along too. Their rich neighbot always have good food. Sometimes they have lamb chops, sometimes they have chicken breasts. The narrator’s family sniffs the scent of the delicious food. Because the aroma can be smelled from their neighbor’s home all the way to their house. One day, their neighbor filed a complain to the narrator’s family. They were accused of stealing their rich neighbor’s wealth. On the day of their trial, the father of the narrator requested to let the rich man’s children in the court. When his request is granted, he asked the kids if were they stealing their wealth and the kids said yes. The next thing the father did, he said that he will pay their “stolen wealth”. So the narrator took his straw hat down and his brother placed centavos and their mother placed silver coins. Then the father took the straw hat and made it sound in the court and told the rich man that he paid the stolen wealth. And the court was filled with laughter.


The jolly family reminds me of my family back in Albay. My family there is loud but fun and like in the story, my family’s a laughing family as well. I think the reason why the rich man filed a complain is because I think he’s jealous of how happy his neighbor’s family is and how healthy is neighbor’s kids are healthy. Because his kids are pale and like the narrator said, they look anemic. The kids won’t look anemic if the rich man let the children out to play then his kids won’t look sick. And I think the “stolen wealth” that the rich man is referring to is the scent of his delicious meals that his neighbor’s sniff.

He’s probably annoyed that his neighbors sniff the scent that’s why he complained. But well he’s a rich old man after all and like how most rich old man portrayed in a story, they look grumpy and they look like they hate everyone. What the father did was hilarious because he “paid” the “stolen wealth”.


Oli Impan



A young girl was sitting on a stone wall then suddenly a young boy came up to her. She asked the boy if there’s a fire and boy said there isn’t. But she said there’s a fire and once again the boy said there isn’t. They quarelled about it (if there’s a fire or not) and the girl told the boy that she thinks there’s a fire because she saw a bunch of stuff from houses being thrown out. And the boy said that there isn’t a fire, the only reason why the stuff are being thrown out because they’ll get evicted from their houses. Then the boy positively said that it’s okay because his mother has a job so they’ll easily find a new place to stay. The girl asked the boy what’s his mother’s job and the boy said that his mother reads hands, basically a fortune teller. Right after they talked about the boy’s mother’s job, the boy looked at what was happening, he saw men with hammers destroying houses and he saw a man who was acting like a mad dog. The girl knew that was her father, then they saw the girl’s father’s hands being tied and they saw him being put inside a police car. The girl got sad because her father got arrested so the boy tried to calm her down by singing a song about God.


This story depicts about people living in the slums. The reason why their houses are being destroyed is because they don’t own the land, it’s the government who owns it. I am sad for the two kids in the story. Because they’re too young, too innocent to witness events like seeing the girl’s father being arrested. Alberto Florentino did a great job of showing his readers the life of the people who lives in the slums here in the Philippines. I think this story is perfect for this time of the year because it showed the two kids singing Silent Night which is a Christmas song. The goverment oredered to destroy their homes but they can’t do anything about it because the land isn’t there’s. The kids in the story should study hard to find a good job and have their own house of their own, they don’t have to rent because they’re the ones who own it. And it won’t get destroyed as well because again, they own it.


Once I Become A Parent


(I have here a picture of mufasa and simba from the lion king because for me, mufasa is a great father hehe.)

I grew up having strict parents. I’m an only child so I think that’s the reason why they’re too protective. But I totally understand it. But even if they’re strict, my parents still goof around. And buy me a bunch of stuff that I want(but only sometimes.) If I become a mom this is what I’ll be…

I think I’ll be strict as well like my parents. If my “child” wants to hang out with his/her friends at the mall, I would say yes but I would be going with him/her. To just keep an eye at my kid. If my “child” hates veggies, I mean all kids don’t like veggies but anyway… I’ll try to sneak in some in his/her food. Or tell him/her it’s what superheroes eat and it would give them powers. You know, just so the kid would eat it. If my “child” has some culminating activities in school, I’ll do anything just to watch my kid perform. Because my parents never really watch me in school if we have culminating activities because both of my parents are always busy, and both are workaholics. And I don’t want my “kid” to experience that. If my “kid” wants to attend his/her idol’s concert, I will surely let him/her go if Number 1, the tickets are cheap or it’s for free and Number 2, not on a school day unless it’s friday. Because my mom doesn’t go with me whenever I go to a concert, it’s my cousin who go with me. I’ll try to listen to songs that he/she likes. Because that’s what my parents are too. They’re honestly curious about the music I listen too. That’s why my dad’s also a spader haha (fan of IV of Spades).

I will also obviously take good care of my “kids”. Because what kind of parent doesn’t ? I don’t support LGBT but I respect the LGBT community so if ever my “kid” turns out to be gay or lesbian, well there’s nothing I can do about it. That’s his/her sexuality and it’s technically none of my bussiness. So I have to accept it. But I do pray to God that my future kid won’t have a disorder.

Well I guess that’s all I have to say folks, I got nothing much to say anymore hehe.


Teenage Blues


(I have a picture here of greg heffley from diary of a wipmy kid because greg is a socially awkward person hehe)

Hello everybody ! Now before we get to the topic about teenage blues, here’s an intro…
Puberty ! The time of your life when a bunch of changes happen to your body. Either you like those changes or not, it will be there. Those changes are physical, mental and even the emotional state. Now I’m here to talk about teenage blues but some of these are my teenage blues and most of it aren’t because not everything that I call a teenage blues is not how the others call it a teenage blues. Now without further a do, let’s start with this journal entry.

First, Jealousy. This is one of my teenage blues because sometimes what the others achieve or good at, I really envy them. Like for example if there’s a competition and I wished I should’ve joined it, I congratulate my friend if he/she won but in my mind I’ll be like: I should’ve won that. Or like the time when IV Of Spades had a concert at Glorietta, I invited a couple of my friends to come with me because my mom allowed me to go. And well they said yes and in fact they got to glorietta before me. Which was totally fine for me at first because I was already about to leave at that time. But it was raining cats and dogs, there was a typhoon at that time that’s why my mom said: Next time na lang Yshie ! I cried a river that night because I’m the one who invited my friends but I’m the one who didn’t go. Which totally pissed me off. And I got so and I mean SO jealous at one of my friend (which I won’t mention her name because I don’t want to hehe) Blaster Silonga waved at her and in IV Of Spades, Blaster was my crush, he’s my celebrity crush to be honest that’s why I really got jealous. So yeah, jealousy is one of my teenage blues and my #1 enemy. But I know that I shouldn’t be jealous because God will always give me the perfect time for everything. In fact he did, because I already saw IV Of Spades last september 29 hehe ๐Ÿ˜€

Next is Depression, now this isn’t my teenage blues but to some it is so here’s my rant about depression. Here in the Philippines, mental health isn’t taken seriously. And this depression is sometimes the next level of jealousy. Because if you get jealous, you’ll get sad and if you get sad, and sadder and sadder, you’ll get depression. To be honest most teenagers today would say they’re dEpResSEd but they really aren’t. Because when people talk about depression, they’ll think it’s trending so they’ll be like a bunch of emo on social media. To those who are faking they have depression…HEY JUST SHUT UP WOULD YOU !!! DEPRESSED IS DIFFERENT FROM SAD, IT’S NEVER THE SAME SO DON’T BE ON FACEBOOK LIKE: Mamahalin lang nila ako pag namatay na ako. SO WHAT ? EDI WOW STOP FAKING IT ! BECAUSE DEPRESSION IS NOT A JOKE. And to those who have depression, hey I know you think you’re worthless, you may be facing problems in your life but you can punch those problems right on the face ! And God loves you, you’re not worthless because God doesn’t think you are worthless. The others who are faking don’t understand you. But just don’t mind them.

Third, this may sound clichรฉ but it’s Love. Again, this is not my teenage blues, it’s the others’ teenage blues but here’s my rant. YOU DON’T NEED A BOY/GIRLFRIEND TO LIVE OKAY !!! YOU’RE STILL TO YOUNG TO GO ON A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP PLUS YOU’RE STILL STUDYING ! IT WILL BE A HUGE DISTRACTION. Don’t hurry yourself into things you’re not supposed to have yet. Like your diploma, you can’t get it yet unless you study hard.

Well I guess that’s all I have to say about teenage blues.


All I Want For Christmas Is


On September 1 in the Philippines, every year, this is the day when the christmas countdown starts. And it’s also the start of the long christmas here in the Philippines. Christmas in the Philippines is my favorite and it is in fact “The most wonderful time of the year”. The cold weather, the food, the christmas lights that are being set up on ayala every year, the gifts, literally everything. Even the songs, at malls you would hear Jose Mari Chan’s Christmas In Our Hearts everywhere. Aside from Christmas In Our Hearts, there is another song from Mariah Carey and you guessed it ! It’s All I Want For Christmas. Now what I really want for Christmas is…

To celebrate my Christmas and New Year happilly on Bicol. Bicol is my province and it’s where my parents are from. We go there every year to celebrate it. Of course the gifts are special to me. I’ve always wanted IV Of Spades merch but I think I don’t got a chance anymore which is totally fine for me to be honest. Gifts are one of the reasons why I love Christmas. But even if I have a lot of gifts this year, the thing that really matters to me is when we go to Bicol every year. The excitement I have whenever I pack my things to bring, The feeling when I’m controlling myself to not say my cousins in Bicol when we’ll be going (But last year and the years before that year, I told them because I’m bad with keeping secrets haha sorry mama ๐Ÿ˜‚) I can’t wait to feel it all again. Going home to Bicol is always the greatest gift I ever have every year. Nothing makes me the happiest except going to Bicol. (Or also that time I finally saw IV Of Spades but anyway๐Ÿ˜‚…) Christmas and New Year there is always better than the Christmas and New Year we celebrate here. Because I have a really big family there in Bicol that’s it’s always “The more the merrier !”. I think the best parts of our family reunions in Bicol is when, We do videoke and when we line up to receive aguinaldos. 20 pesos for the kids and teens, 50 pesos for the adults. And it’s really funny because even if the others are still far, they stretch their arms just to reach the money๐Ÿ˜‚. I’m not like that because it’s my mom who gives the aguinaldo haha.

Well, that’s all I want for christmas ! Advanced Merry Christmas to you ! ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ’–

All I Want For Christmas

On September 1 in the Philippines, every year, this is the day when the christmas countdown starts. And it’s also the start of the long christmas here in the Philippines. Christmas in the Philippines is my favorite and it is in fact “The most wonderful time of the year”. The cold weather, the food, the christmas lights that are being set up on ayala every year, the gifts, literally everything. Even the songs, at malls you would hear Jose Mari Chan’s Christmas In Our Hearts everywhere. Aside from Christmas In Our Hearts, there is another song from Mariah Carey and you guessed it ! It’s All I Want For Christmas. Now what I really want for Christmas is…

To celebrate my Christmas and New Year happilly on Bicol. Bicol is my province and it’s where my parents are from. We go there every year to celebrate it. Of course the gifts are special to me. I’ve always wanted IV Of Spades merch but I think I don’t got a chance anymore which is totally fine for me to be honest. Gifts are one of the reasons why I love Christmas. But even if I have a lot of gifts this year, the thing that really matters to me is when we go to Bicol every year. The excitement I have whenever I pack my things to bring, The feeling when I’m controlling myself to not say my cousins in Bicol when we’ll be going (But last year and the years before that year, I told them because I’m bad with keeping secrets haha sorry mama ๐Ÿ˜‚) I can’t wait to feel it all again. Going home to Bicol is always the greatest gift I ever have every year. Nothing makes me the happiest except going to Bicol. (Or also that time I finally saw IV Of Spades but anyway๐Ÿ˜‚…) Christmas and New Year there is always better than the Christmas and New Year we celebrate here. Because I have a really big family there in Bicol that’s it’s always “The more the merrier !”. I think the best parts of our family reunions in Bicol is when, We do videoke and when we line up to receive aguinaldos. 20 pesos for the kids and teens, 50 pesos for the adults. And it’s really funny because even if the others are still far, they stretch their arms just to reach the money๐Ÿ˜‚. I’m not like that because it’s my mom who gives the aguinaldo haha.

Well, that’s all I want for christmas ! Advanced Merry Christmas to you ! ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ’–



A trip on a country road

On the way to I call home

For as long as I have knowed

In Bicol is where I belong


From Legazpi and Daraga that I know

To the Mayon Volcano and beaches that I’ve seen

This is the place that I truly belong


I only see my relatives during the holidays

That’s why I wish it’ll be always Christmas or summer

So I could stay there longer


There are cool stuff in the city

But nothing can beat the feeling

When I’m the province

Half of my heart is in this place

Bicol, oh how I wish too see you soon.cartoon-home-png-5


I I Were Given A Chance To Talk To The President


2 years ago, a new president was elected. He goes by the name of Rodrigo Roa Duterte. He’s from Davao. The thing that he really want to end in this country is drugs.

Dear Mr. President, I hope you won’t get mad at me for my questions. Most of the drugs are from China but why do you want to end it if you’re being friends with the Chinese ? Second, why is it when the drug addict is poor the police kills them right away or they’re immediately sent to jail. But if the drug addict is rich, they would get out of prison easily and fast and no matter how big is the mess they made, they easily clean it up. You know what I’m saying ? Well I hope you do, sir. Third, why would you let a bimbo work for the country. AKA: Mocha Uson ? She made fun of federalism. And doesn’t even know where is Mayon Volcano. Why would you let her work for the country Mr. President ? But anyway, good thing she resigned now. Fourth, why did you mess with God ? You mocked him. It’s really disrespectful. It’s probably why our country is facing a bunch of typhoons and the prices keep on going high is because you messed with our creator. Again, you mocked him. That’s why we faced those karmas. Because you messed with him. Fifth, I know you said sorry because of the Hitler thing that you said. But it’s still not funny to me. There were over 3 million Jews who died because of the Nazis. Sixth, why do you treat women like this: On one of your interviews you whistled at the woman reporter. And it’s like you’re under-estimating women dude. Not cool. As a feminist, I am here to say that we don’t deserve a president who doesn’t treat women nicely. Seventh, when will you ever solve traffic ? Cars are getting many each day that’s why the roads can’t handle it. Eight, why is Gloria Arroyo our House Speaker ? I thought she was on a wheelchair and then suddenly she looks well on your SONA this year.

You should’ve never won in the first place. I wish it was just Miriam Defensor Santiago. AKA: The great president we never had.


Between Love and Fortune


The Beatles said: All you need is love๐ŸŽถ while Sam Smith got money on his mind (if you know what I mean hehe). Love and fortune, two things that are important but there is only one I need to choose for this journal. Hello wonderful people of the internet! It is I, Yshie Miralpes, and welcome back to another journal entry here on The Yshie Files! Love or Fortune, what do you choose ?

This is a really tough question for me. It’s nice to have a lot of people who loves you. And it’s also nice if you have a lot of good stuff and money. But I think, I would choose love over fortune. I don’t care how rich I am. I don’t care if I’m not that rich as Bill Gates or if I won the 900 million (But would still be cool if I did won hehe). But the people I have in life is enough for me, and they’re not just my love but also my fortunes. It would be boring if you have a million bucks, big houses, luxurious stuff, private jets and all that jazz if everybody hates you. It’s better to live a simple life with all the people you love.

Also, the most important thing in life isn’t things. Sure money can buy you tickets to a band’s concert or tickets to a place to travel. But it can’t buy memories. It can’t buy happiness. What are you gonna do with all those expensive stuff around if you’re not that happy? If you don’t have people to share those stuff with. A time will come that your life will be over. You’ll be going to heaven and where you’ll be going, you can’t take all those fortune with you. But you can only take the things who aren’t tangible. That’s why I choose love over fortune. Well that’s it folks! We’ve reached the final journal entry this quarter.
