Between Beauty and Brain…

Between beauty and brain I would choose….This is a tough decision because if I chose beauty over brain then I’ll probably be like Patrick from Spongebob because Patrick doesn’t have a brain. And if I chose  brain then I think I’ll be called as “sipsip” because I’m smart. So basically I would choose both. But it’s more of a 97% brains and 3% beauty. Because I don’t really care what a person looks like as long as he/she is kind. Don’t judge the book by it’s cover people ! And I believe that God made each and everyone of us beautiful. Probably not in the looks but through the act of kindness. Now that’s beautiful ! To the people who think they’re too fat, they’re ugly, they’re not skinny enough, they don’t have a nice complexion, you don’t have to change anything ! You’re beautiful and you should know that !

Also, this may sound cliché but I’ll say it anyway. What is beauty if the brain is empty ? (I know, most lowkey pageant contestants always say this haha) meaning to say is that, what are you gonna do with your looks if you don’t even have the brains. You know who you’ll be like…MOCHA USON HAHA. You don’t want to end up like her right ? So yeah, basically right now that I am revising my journal entry I 100% go to brains. There’s this so called: crab mentality here in the Philippines and it’s really toxic ! Like if you’re famous, even if you’re not doing anything, people would say stuff that aren’t nice about you. Happens in schools too. You know if you get a high grade or you’re top in class, some of your classmates would get jealous and say bad things about you just because you got high grades and you’re top in class. Luckily in our classroom, no one’s like that. We’re basically cheering for who’s on top and who isn’t. Because you know, at least to those who aren’t on top, they tried right ?

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