Dear Friend

To the first five friends I’ve had ever since elementary, Fate, Marga, Fati and Tricia. You guys are all so special to me because if it weren’t for you guys I won’t be afraid to step out of being really really shy ever since we formed a band that is formerly known as Pink Black but we changed it to Joules hehe. I hope that our band would become famous soon. To Fate, thank you for your corny jokes because even if they’re corny, they still make me laugh haha(be thankful that I still laugh at your jokes no matter how corny they are hahaha). To Marga, I’m really glad to have a friend who loves IV of Spades and who loves Blaster Silonga as I am haha. To Fati, I’m really thankful to have a friend who’s really really nice and kind. To Tricia, I’m glad to have a friend who’s super kulit and has a bubbly personality and by the way, thank you for giving me a shout out on your last vlog, I hope your youtube channel would grow soon 🙂 . I love you guys ! ❤


Ps: that’s a throwback because we still don’t have a new pic this year hehe.

To Bj and Ynez, I’m really happy that you guys are my friends because everytime we talk to each other, there’s Ynez that would talk about stuff and there’s Bj who’s always teasing Ynez hahahaha. To Ynez, hey Rachel Green ! I miss you as my classmate because this year you’re in mendel and I’m on Euclid 😦 but anyway, I’m really happy that we became super close even if we just met last year haha. Thanks to maam pamittan for assigning me to be your seatmate last year that’s why we became friends haha. I love you even if you’re crushing my dreams of Unique returning to IV of Spades hahahaha. To Bj, thank you for being such a good listener whether it’s about my fangirl life or about my dramas when I wasn’t able to go to a IV of Spades or Ben&Ben gig haha. I wish that you and Ynez would be my classmates next year. Love you both ! ❤

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FB_IMG_1536845877494.jpg Ps: I still don’t have a pic with Bj so yeah I just placed a pic of her here hehe.

To Isabel, hey Isabel or mama p but I never call you mama p like the others because you’re still a teenage girl and not a middle aged woman hahaha. I’m really happy that you became close even if we just became classmates this year. I’m also happy that I have a friend who I could talk to about Michelle Dy or Lloyd Cafe Cadena, who are my two favorite youtubers of all time. Gusto mo yon ? Gusto ko yon ! Haha. I’m also happy that I have a friend who listens to old songs like me hehe. I wish that we’ll still be classmates next year ! Love you !

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Same thing with Bj, I still don’t have a pic with Isabel so yeah haha.

These are the only closest friends I have, they’re not that many but I’m glad that I have these people in my life.

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