The Little Match Girl by: Hans Christian Andersen


“The Little Match Girl” is a sad story about a miserable young girl that touched the heart of many readers. The story begins on a cold winter night in which the snow never stopped. It was a real, rough and cold dinner. This small poor girl is trying to sell matches because she was ordered to do so by a strict father. He didn’t allow her to come home until it would not be done, otherwise she would get a beating. She tried to sell matches, but because of the cold, she died on the frozen sidewalk. She tried to warm up with the matches which she held in her hand. When she lit each one of them, it pointed to those events that she always dreamed of. The most common was a dream of delicious food and warm clothing, but every time matches were extinguished, the magic would disappear. When she lit the last match, she saw her dead grandmother she loved very much and she eventually took her to heaven.


I know Hans Christian Andersen more on stories like The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen. (Disney’s Frozen inspiration). And those stories both have happy endings. We all know Ariel ended up with Eric and Elsa conquered her ice powers but The Little Match Girl is the opposite. I think it depicted Child Labor because the girl was forced to sell matchsticks out on the cold night. I rate this story a 10/10.

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