If I Were To Have Three Wishes

Hello again wonderful people of the internet ! For today’s journal entry I’ll be doing: If I Were To Have Three Wishes. So let’s get this thing started ! For my first wish, I will wish that I’ll attend every concert or gig of IV of Spades and Unique Salonga. Because I’m a huge fan of IV of Spades. And when they have a gig I always can’t go because it’s either their gig is far from Makati or if they have a gig here in Makati, I can’t go because it’s the wrong timing. Why the wrong timing ? Because it’s either a school day or it’s raining really really hard or I’m on our province. By the way, I still consider it a one wish because even if Unique left the band, it still feels like he’s still part of it <3. My second wish is for a good camera and a tripod because I want to be a youtuber soon. And I still consider the camera and tripod as one wish because both are filming equipment hehe. And finally for my third and final wish I wish for….3 more wishes ! Just kidding hahahaha, I wish that I’ll meet my idols and be close with them. Because who wouldn’t wanna be close with their favorite celebrities or singers or youtubers right ? Well there you have it folks ! Those are my three wishes.

Image result for genie from aladdin

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